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Hsiao Law Podcast

Ask Mama Amy Episode 12: How to Support Children of Divorce

By: Attorney Amy Hsiao

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Episode12-How to Support Children of Divorce
POSTED ON: December 2, 2021

Ask Mama Amy Episode 12: How to Support Children of Divorce

Cindy Grossman is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and the Executive Director of Kids’ Turn San Diego, a caring, non-profit organization that has been creating better futures for children experiencing family separation and divorce since 1996. Being a parent and a child of divorce, Cindy offers a unique blend of personal experience and professional expertise. Today, Cindy uses her combined experience to help transform the lives of families experiencing hardships. 

Half of all marriages end in divorce, causing children to struggle with feelings of anxiety and depression at high rates. While divorce is never a child’s fault, Cindy explains that children often place blame on themselves because they don’t understand their own emotions. To help break this negative cycle, Cindy and her staff at Kids’ Turn San Diego aim to give every child a place where they can express themselves and work through any negative, internalized behaviors. When children feel safe with their parents, families can overcome any roadblock. 

Tune into this week’s episode of AskMamaAmy to learn more about the importance of overcoming childhood trauma, effective communication, and how to empower your children to express themselves so they can create a brighter future.  


  •  “Around 50% of all married couples get divorced and yet children still feel isolated and alone.” (12:54-13:04)
  •  “There’s no decision that should be made without consultation between both parents.” (18:30-18:35)
  •  “You would be surprised by how many children internally think that they did something wrong which led to their parent’s divorce.” (22:52-23:02)
  •  “When you gain insight, you can change things. You can realize you have no control over somebody else, only yourself, and other people can’t make you feel any certain way.” (23:29-23:40)
  •  “When you empower a child to understand what a feeling is, give them a feeling vocabulary, and then you offer ways for them to share and express themselves. They let it out of their heart and they don’t have to internalize anymore.” (24:22-24:42)
  •  “A strong mom is a mom who accepts that she doesn’t have to be perfect.” (29:37-29:42) 

Links Mentioned

Posted December 2, 2021

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